Anonymous 08/08/12(Wed)05:36 No.3752712 ITT: Spaghetti stories >be in grade 12 >writing an essay on laptop >forgot that I just installed an MLP theme, and the MLP theme song plays every time you start up your computer >class is silent >open up laptop >MLP theme starts playing >"MY LITTLE PONY, MY LITTLE PONY, AHHHHHH" >ohshitniggerwhatamidoing.jpg >"MY LITTLE PONY, I USED TO WONDER WHAT FRIENDSHIP COULD BE" >whole class staring at me >spaghetti overflowing out of my pockets >"UNTIL YOU ALL SHARED IT'S MAGIC WITH ME" >kid at the back of the class falls off his seat laughing >"BIG ADVENTURE, TONS OF FUN! A BEAUTIFUL HEART FAITHFUL AND STRONG" >girls at the front of the class start to laugh uncontrollably >"SHARING KINDNESS, IT'S AN EASY FEAT, AND MAGIC MAKES IS ALL COMPLETE" >teacher face spells disappointment, a "you brought this upon yourself" face >"MY LITTLE PONY, DO YOU KNOW YOU'RE ALL MY VERY BEST, >by now the whole class is laughing their asses off, the one guy still on the floor >"FRRRRRIIIIIIIEEEEEEENNNNDDDDSSSS!" >by now, I have spilled so much spaghetti to feed an entire Italian restaurant >quickly pack up my things and leave >never come back to school again And that's how I failed Grade 12. > Anonymous 08/08/12(Wed)05:38 No.3752730 You fucking pussy OP, running away from that situation. I bet all of them thought you were even more pathetic after that. It does make a funny fake story though, so I'll give you that. Anonymous 08/08/12(Wed)05:39 No.3752734 >>3752712 should have said, "I'm going to kill that faggot when I get home." Really loudly OP 08/08/12(Wed)05:41 No.3752748 >>3752730 No, this actually happened. I had to switch schools because I wouldn't dare go back. There were brony haters in the class as well. Anonymous 08/08/12(Wed)05:42 No.3752760 >forgot that I just installed an MLP theme, and the MLP theme song plays every time you start up your computer HOW FUCKING STUPID CAN YOU GET WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU WANT THAT INSTALLED Anonymous 08/08/12(Wed)05:42 No.3752763 >>3752748 Oh. Wow.